Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis Systems

Isopure Water (ISO-RO5) 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis System 50 GPD
Shop for Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis Systems
What makes an Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis System different than any other system on the market is that we assemble these in the USA to ensure that there is a high quality control for your system. We use NSF certified components in order to build each unit in our assembly line. We carry several sizes on our site from 4 stage, 5 stage and 6 stage units - each one can be customized and built according to your needs (even if you can't find it online). Our units comply with the California Health & Safety Code 116875-116880 (formally AB1953) and Vermont lead free law S.0152.
Our most popular drinking water system is our 5 Stage Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis Systems (model number: ISO-RO5). Our five stage ro systems are perfect for any home with 4-6 people on city water. We use a 50 gallon per day membrane and a 3.2 gallon storage tank and can refill within one and a half hours when it is completely empty. The ISO-RO5 can remove up to 99% of contaminants under ideal conditions and is competitively priced to comparative units on the market. All of our units come with all the necessary components to do a full installation minus the tools.
Our 4 Stage Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis Systems (model number: ISO-RO4DI) are made for the lab water, aquarium and horticulture enthusiasts. These enthusiasts require the utmost purified water - preferrably ZERO (0) TDS because it makes it easier to maintain aquariums, balance nutrients, or fight against algae growth. Our units come at a fraction of the price when compared to its competitors like Kent Marine or Spectrapure and can still offer the same quality of water. In fact, we pride ourselves on knowing that we can deliver high purity water. Our competitors price their units for nearly twice as much for the same technology. We may look a little different but we use all the same components, if not, or better. Our units can easily be customed to your preference whether you wish to change the membrane production or wish to add another stage - we can do it all.
We Sell 4, 5 & 6 Stage Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis Systems
Our 6 Stage Isopure Water Reverse Osmosis Systems (model number: ISO-RO6UV) are perfect for homes with non-chlorinated water or wish to have added water disinfection. The most common problem we see with well water, spring water, or similiar non-chlorinated water is that they all are prone to have some kind of micro-organism growth. UV disinfection systems added with a reverse osmosis system gives you a sense of security against bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms.
For more information on our reverse osmosis systems or customizing a unit, please feel free to contact us for more information at (714) 541-6600