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Puregen (APTERA-2510) 10"x2.75" "Aptera" AlkaMag Alkaline Filter

Product Code ALKALINE-2510


This true Alkaline filter offers premium filtration medias that emit Far Infrared Rays, increases pH, and will give your water a refreshing mineral flavor!

The 11 stage process starts with a high strength Neodymium magnetic module. One of the first patents for magnetic water treatment was granted in 1894. Our Quartz media is minded from Californias Yuba Gold Fields and our special blend CalCor media imparts a refreshing mineral taste to the water by dissolving Calcium Carbonate and Magnesium Dioxide into the water stream. Tourmaline Ceramic emits a high capacity of Far Infrared Rays and Negative Ions. The Negative ION ceramic media discharges a high capacity of negative ions (above 800/cc). A Pi ceramic layer futher increases the waters pH and paletability and increases the oxidation-reduction of the water molecule "The Super Ceramic" layer contains over 10 minerals and imparts a pleasant taste to the water while emitting even more Far Infrared Rays. Almandine Garnet is a naturally occurring gem mineral with uniform physical, chemical, hardness, friability and micro-structure characterisitics, which provide the essential properties for the water filtration processes. The KDF Redox layer incorporates a special blend of high purity Copper and Zinc to reduce heavy metals, microogranisms, scale, and is listed bacteriostat. The water exits through a polishing sediment filter ensuring safe, clean and crystal clear drinking water.